Skin and body care to nurture your lymphatic system

Our skin, the body’s largest lymphatic organ, plays a vital role in protecting us from external threats and absorbing harmful pollutants from the environment. Beneath the surface of our skin, a network of lymphatic vessels and capillaries diligently filters out these toxins, ensuring the optimal functioning of our lymphatic system.

However, when our skin becomes dry or cracked, it becomes vulnerable to bacterial infection, such as cellulitis, which can cause stagnation in the lymphatic flow. If you notice your skin feeling tight, it may be a sign of dehydration. It is essential to hydrate yourself by drinking plenty of fluids, as this nourishes your cells and helps maintain the smooth flow of lymph.

Choosing non-toxic and organic skincare products should be a top priority in your self-care routine. It is astonishing to know that approximately 60 percent of what we apply to our skin gets absorbed into our lymphatic system. To safeguard your skin against microbes, bacteria, and pollutants while providing essential moisture, opt for products with a low pH, ideally below 5. Look for ingredients like organic argan oil and raw shea butter, which offer natural nourishment for your skin.

When selecting skincare and home cleaning products, be mindful of the ingredients they contain. The European Union has banned or restricted over 1,400 chemicals in personal care products, while the United States has only banned 49 since 1938. Shockingly, toxic chemicals such as formaldehyde can still be found in common beauty products like nail polish, hair straighteners, and mascara. Oxybenzone, an ingredient found in many sunscreens, has been shown to be an endocrine disruptor and potentially carcinogenic. Preservatives like parabens should also be avoided.

To make informed choices, consider checking out the Environmental Working Group (, which provides user-friendly databases that rate personal care products, helping you clean up your skincare and household items.

Apart from using safe and clean products, there are other ways to support your lymphatic system. If you have undergone manual lymphatic drainage, taking an Epsom salt bath can further enhance its therapeutic effects. Dissolve two cups of Epsom salt in your bathwater and immerse yourself, ensuring the water reaches the lymph nodes in your neck. Soak for at least 20 minutes and remember to drink plenty of water afterward. Epsom salt contains sulfates and magnesium, which help flush out toxins and heavy metals, reduce inflammation, improve circulation, and aid digestion. For added fragrance and therapeutic benefits, you can include a few drops of your favorite essential oils, such as lavender, rose, chamomile, or lemon, peppermint, and rosemary. Slices of cucumber and grapefruit can also be added for an extra refreshing touch.

However, it’s important to note that if you are diabetic, Epsom salts may not be suitable as they can dry out your skin and potentially worsen existing foot problems. Similarly, if you have lymphedema, opt for body temperature water in your bath instead of hot water.

By nurturing your lymphatic system and making informed choices about the products you use, you can support the health and vitality of your skin, ultimately promoting overall well-being.